It’s time to live free from addiction.

Therapy for recovery in Nashville


Are you tired of addiction running your life?

Whether it’s alcohol, drugs, sex, porn, gambling, exercise, or anything else, it’s running your life right now. You’re dependent on it and it fuels every decision you make. How you plan out your commute, when you head home, where you shop...these basic day-to-day decisions are dependent upon when, where, and how you can feed your addiction next.

 Learn the steps you can take now to begin recovery from addiction.

Life doesn’t have to feel this way.

Many people feel trapped in the prison of addiction. They are often left feeling alone and hopeless about any chance to escape, while also feeling terrified about taking a leap of faith into the unknown world of recovery. They desire a better life, but feel anxious and unsure if they have what it takes to get it.

Recovering from the disease of addiction and breaking through into a life of recovery can be extremely difficult for many without much needed guidance and support.

Despite all of the pain and suffering caused by addiction, I have also witnessed many clients who have made amazing comebacks to completely transforming their lives as people in recovery.

Are you ready for a change? Are you ready to live a positive life where you take the lead instead of your addiction? I’ll help you lead a life where you’re in charge of your decisions, not your addiction.

Therapy for addicton can help you…


  • Understand that you are not your addiction, and that you have alternatives that can lead you back to a healthy life

  • Identify the thoughts and feelings that lead you to use and how to replace them with more helpful, positive thoughts

  • Allow you to take the lead instead of your addiction

  • Repair and rebuilt relationships, building connections to loved ones

Connect with your authentic self and live free from addiction.

Schedule Free Consultation